Freeway Flier Vanagon Automatic Transmission

Freeway Flier Vanagon Automatic Transmission is Completely Rebuilt! Country Homes Campers’ Freeway Flier Vanagon Automatic Transmission is completely rebuilt. Our R&P will reduce your RPM’s by 800, thereby increasing your gas mileage (MPGs). Instead of...

Subaru Vanagon Oil Pan

Country Homes Campers Offers Another Custom Product! You ask for it and now Country Homes Campers offers another custom product for your Subaru Vanagon conversion! Our custom shorten Subaru vanagon oil pan holds 6 quarts of oil for all 2.5 Subaru motors. This pan is...

Country Homes Campers Sticker

Love Stickers? Add Ours On Your Pop-tops! Country Homes Campers has an original design sticker for your pop-top! These stickers are out of print and will not be made in the future. We have a few left, Grab yours now before it’s all gone. Visit our shop to see...